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Proposal of marriage in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marriage proposaldissolution of marriageproposalmarriageremarriagemarriageablebudget proposalmixed marriageMeaning: n. an offer of marriage. 
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1. She refused him/his proposal of marriage.
2. She accepted his proposal of marriage.
3. She politely declined his proposal of marriage.
4. After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.
5. Today you rejected a proposal of marriage, and now you shall be punished for your arrogance.
6. This letter contained a direct proposal of marriage.
7. She accepted my proposal of marriage yesterday.
8. This is an honorable proposal of marriage.
9. She accepted my proposal of marriage yesterday. Do you think she will come over hereafter?
10. They use the rose to make a proposal of marriage.
11. This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment.
12. After a three-weekend courtship(sentence dictionary), Pamela accepted Tom's proposal of marriage.
13. John was working up to a proposal of marriage to Helen.
14. He was working up to a proposal of marriage to Helen.
15. The girl's family has accepted your proposal of marriage. Quickly, get ready to marry your bride.
16. Thellos is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider opportune moment.
17. I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage.
18. Meg's determination not to see her; her red herring about the mysterious proposal of marriage.
19. One offers him a handsome promotion, the other a proposal of marriage.
20. She made it clear to him that she rejected his proposal of marriage.
More similar words: marriage proposaldissolution of marriageproposalmarriageremarriagemarriageablebudget proposalmixed marriagecivil marriageintermarriagecounterproposalmarriage licencemarriage licensesame-sex marriagerequest for proposalmarriage ceremonymarriage contractmarriage of conveniencecarriagecarriagewaymiscarriagegun carriagebaby carriagecarriage houseundercarriagedual carriagewayhorseless carriagemiscarriage of justicebill of materialbill of materials
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